Dr Barry Ryan runs a weekly class for HPAT.
Day: Sunday
Time: 9.30am - 10.45am
Location: Limerick & Online
Cost: €30
**Prior Booking is Essential.
**Book Here
HPAT - Online Mock Exam
Dr Barry Ryan organises several HPAT Mock Exam throughout the year, simulating the Official HPAT Online Exam.
**If you require any further information, please call us on 061-444989 or email us at info@kes.ie
What is the HPAT?
The admissions test selected by the Irish Medical Schools is called HPAT – Ireland (Health Professions Admission Test-Ireland). The test measures a candidate’s logical reasoning and problem solving skills as well as non-verbal reasoning and the ability to understand the thoughts, behaviour and/or intentions of people.
It is designed to complement academic achievement, by providing assessment of skills in the areas of reasoning understanding and working with people, HPAT – Ireland has a strong focus on general skills and personal abilities. These skills have been identified as important for a competent health professional. It does not test academic knowledge and candidates do not require special understanding of any academic discipline.
**All information on our upcoming courses available here.
Why choose our weekly class?
“GOOD practice makes perfect”
Our seminars are developed with you in mind .For that reason , we are offering you a graduated programme and not a quick fix solution.The HPAT is not an easy test nor is it like anything you experience while in secondary school . Therefore it takes time to acquire the skills and confidence you need to excel on the day of the test. With that in mind we have decided that the best approach is to give you a gradual exposure to the various components of the HPAT before attempting the full test while all the time supporting you with first class tuition, practice exercises and informed feedback.
Our HPAT seminars will provide you with expert tuition , comprehensive notes and realistic sample questions to help you maximise your performance in this very important test. The quality of our material, feedback and advice will testify to the excellence of our seminars.
Our highly qualified tutor is very well versed in both the practice and background of how the HPAT and similar tests are developed and used. Class size will ensure that you will get the attention you are entitled to. We have a proven track record in preparing students for these and other selection tests. We are proud of and rejoice in the success our students.
Additional Information
- Our HPAT grinds and timetable available here.
- HPAT Ireland homepage available here.
** Prior booking essential by contacting the office on 061-444989