Ennis Weekly Study Packages
We are delighted to announce our 2024/25 academic year Supervised Study plans.
September 2024/25 Study
- We are delighted to announce our 2024/25 academic year Supervised Study plans.
- All our T&C's can be viewed here.
- Pre-booking is essential by calling 061-444989 or emailing us at info@kes.ie.
- Study rooms are assigned based on the package purchased. Students cannot request a room.
- Wifi is available but is not guaranteed at all times.
- Phones are not permitted to be used during study. Students may us a laptop/tablet for educational purposes only by request of the Guardian.
- Students are asked to start study at the beginning of a session& finish study at the end to avoid disruption in the Study Halls.
**We reserve the right to adjust our fees during the academic year.
April Special Promotion Offer - Ennis Only
We are delighted to announce we will offer a Special Offer for Supervised Study in our Ennis College.
For April, students can avail of the following offer for only €75!!
This is a great opportunity for Students to prepare & Revise for their JC/LC Exams.
Evening study- Monday to Thursday 4.00pm - 8.30pm (normally €20 per week)
Saturday Study- 9.00am - 5.00pm (normally €15 per day)
Sunday Study - 10.00am - 4.00pm (normally €15 per day)
This offer covers study from Mon.31st March - Sun.4th May.
Easter Break is NOT Included (Mon. 14th April - Sun. 27th April)
Click Here to Book
Fee's are Non-Refundable & Non-Transferable.
Our study facilities offer students, distraction free study in bright, spacious, well-ventilated study rooms.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on info@kes.ie or 061-444989
Saturday Packages
- Saturday Pack Term 3 - (1st March 2025 - 24th May 2026) - €165
- Payment Link - Click Here
Pre Exam Study Package Basic - €60
- Access Monday 26th May- Friday 30th May
- Normally €15 a day (€75)
- Access from 9.00am - 8.30pm Monday - Thursday.
- Access from 9.00am - 7.30pm Friday.
- Pre Booking Required for Day Study.
- Fee's are Non-Refundable & Non-Transferable
- Payment Link - Click Here
Pre Exam Study Package Premium - €120
- Access Monday 26th May- Tuesday 3rd June
- Normally €15 a day (€135)
- Access from 9.00am - 8.30pm Monday - Thursday.
- Access from 9.00am - 7.30pm Friday.
- Saturday Study from 9.00am - 5.00pm.
- Sunday Study from 10.00am - 4.00pm.
- Pre Booking Required for Day Study.
- Fee's are Non-Refundable & Non-Transferable.
- Payment Link - Click Here
Weekly Evening Study - €25
- Monday - Thursday
- Mon - Thur: 4pm - 8.30pm
- No refunds for days absent.
- To be pay paid on Sunday prior to commencement of Study on Monday.
- Purchase Link: Click Here
Kilmartin Educational Services will operate the following schedule from Monday to Thursday:
- 4.00pm - 5.30pm - Study
- 5.30pm - 6.00pm - Break
- 6.00pm - 7.30pm- Study
- 7.30pm - 7.45pm - Break
- 7.45pm - 8.30pm - Study
Saturday Study - €15
- 9.00am - 10.15am - Study
- 10.15am - 10.30am - Break
- 10.30am - 12.00pm - Study
- 12.00pm - 1.00pm - Lunch
- 1.00pm - 2.15pm - Study
- 2.15pm - 2.30pm - Break
- 2.30pm - 4.00pm - Study
- 4.00pm - 4.15pm - Break
- 4.15pm - 5.00pm - Study
- 5.00pm - Finished
Online Payment Link (Cash can be paid on the day if preferred): Click Here
Sunday Study - Prior Booking is Required - €15
- 10.00am - 11.30am - Study
- 11.30am - 11.45am - Break
- 11.45am - 1.00pm - Study
- 1.00pm - 1.30pm - Lunch
- 1.30pm - 2.45pm - Study
- 2.45pm - 3.00pm - Break
- 3.00pm - 4.00pm - Study
- 4.00pm - Finished
Online Payment Link (Cash can be paid on the day if preferred): Click Here
Daily Evening Study - €5 for the Evening.
- Prior booking is essential by contacting 061-444989 or info@kes.ie to secure your days/times.
- No walk-ins will be permitted into day study.
- €5 for the Evening.
Evening Study €5: Available Here
- 4.00pm - 5.30pm - Study
- 5.30pm - 6.00pm - Break
- 6.00pm - 7.30pm- Study
- 7.30pm - 7.45pm - Break
- 7.45pm - 8.30pm - Study
Holiday Study Combo - €200
- Holiday Combo Package (All Holiday Study Included) - €200 (Save €140!!)
- Payment Link – Click Here
Holidays included in Package:
Christmas Block 1 : Sat 28th Dec – Tue 31st Dec
Christmas Block 2 : Thur 2nd Jan – Sun 5th Jan
February Mid Term Break : Mon 17th Feb – Fri 21st Feb
Easter Block 1 : Mon 14th April – Fri 18th April
Easter Block 2 : Tue 22nd April – Sat 26th April
Why choose Study at our Ennis College?
Kilmartin Educational Services strives to provide top class study facilities for students in both Limerick and Ennis. With bright spacious study halls, full supervision, and no distractions, KES is definitely the place to be!
- Bright and Spacious Study Halls
- Supervised Halls
- Ideal study environment
- Distraction Free
- Ideally located in Ennis Town Centre, where students have the option to book grinds to fit in with their study schedule.